Philosophy of Counseling

In a world where everything is uncertain and where situations and events often seem to be out of our control, having a baseline and understanding of ourselves and our feelings can create a safe place. A place where our values, our self-worth, our confidence are built upon, where they can shift, change, and grow without judgment. The world expects you to be everything and nothing, to have an opinion but to be mild, to be strong but not loud, to be you but like everyone else. With these contradictory messages, we are often left with a sense of self that is confused and twisted.

Therapy is a journey of self-discovery where client and practitioner work together to find balance and stability. The role of a therapist is to facilitate the process by giving tools, empathy, understanding, and compassion to a client.

As a therapist, I have learned that when putting aside the natural man and looking beyond pathologizing an individual, you gift them and you with unconditional acceptance, with a connection that assures a worthiness of existing. A live behind the holistic principle to look for healing in all spheres of life -physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Philosophy of Counseling

Professional Development

Wellness Plan / Self-Care

Professional Service

Mentorship Plan/Process

Professional Affiliations